Category: Funny

This Gender Neutral Bathrooms Are Out Of Control

You’ll never know whom you meet inside.

When You Step Off the Threadmill after 30 minutes

Do you like going on a threadmill?

When You’ve Got a Great Roommate

When your roommate gets drunk and do this…

5 Random People Ordering Take Out from McDonald’s

Hahaha, these guys!

16 Unbelievable Car Hacks That People Actually Did

Some people are truly unbelievable.

20 Reasons Why We Love our Dogs

They are truly our best friend.

When The Catnip Kicks In | Funny Cats Compilation

Hilarious cats

Homer’s Point Of View

The Classic Homer wisdom. 😀

People Of Walmart You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Tweet via Daily Dose

Guess What You’re Fired!

On a tour of the facilities, the new CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business

FUNNY DOG compilation

HARDEST TRY not to LAUGH challenge


More funny cats video for 2017.

Movie Theater Stereotypes

Here’s looking at various types of moviegoers.


Hahaha! Awkward Pranks 😂

Launch? I Said Lunch

The your leader says it, you do it but your afraid to ask question. 😀

This Is How It Feels Like When The WIFI Isn’t Working

For those who cannot live without connecting to the internet 😀

Walmart Shoppers That Will Make You Cringe

Have you seen some at Walmart?

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