Category: Memes

Which One Are You?

It’s all a matter of perspective.

When You Gained A Little Weight But Still Look Cute

Cute and great personality 😊

This Gender Neutral Bathrooms Are Out Of Control

You’ll never know whom you meet inside.

When You Step Off the Threadmill after 30 minutes

Do you like going on a threadmill?

When You’ve Got a Great Roommate

When your roommate gets drunk and do this…

This is How Google Was before The Digital Age

It took 30 days for your search to come back by mail.

5 Random People Ordering Take Out from McDonald’s

Hahaha, these guys!

16 Unbelievable Car Hacks That People Actually Did

Some people are truly unbelievable.

20 Reasons Why We Love our Dogs

They are truly our best friend.

A Cup of Coffee Shared with Friends is Happiness

Coffee With Friends is the Best

A Woman’s Logic


I Live For The Moment When…

Let Him live!

When You Have A Picky Little Doggie

Do you have a picky dog?

How To Pick Up A Woman the Redneck Way?

Some men are just plain…

This Is How Peanut Butter Is Made

Yup, this is how it is done.

Launch? I Said Lunch

The your leader says it, you do it but your afraid to ask question. 😀

This Is How It Feels Like When The WIFI Isn’t Working

For those who cannot live without connecting to the internet 😀

When You’re Cooking and The Recipe says “Chill in the fridge for one hour”

When you are the type to take things literally 😀

Seriously, Are You Mocking Me?

When your cat mocks you and you mock him back. 😀